S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics education to. . .
Total 150 packets of sanitary pads given to Thane Central Jail thro. . .
Supply of medicine to the Igatpuri School.
Flag hoisting was done in Yashodhan School. President Rtn. Shantara. . .
Drug De-addiction talk by Biju for the student of Yashodhan School
Conducted RYLA for 40 students of Yashodhan School. Nature Walk was. . .
Infrastructure upgrade at Dadar ITI (Girls) by providing Water Cool. . .
Providing medicines to old age home.
Annadaan to Vikramshah Student Residential School, Vikramgad
Nation Builder award to the Yashodhan teachers for their exemplary . . .
President Rtn Shantaram Shet attended Yashodhan School as the Chief. . .
Computer Lab Furniture setup at Thane IIT
Thalassemia Awareness Talk and Screening at Anand Dighe ITI
Mobile De-Addiction talk at Yashodhan today by speaker Rtn Amit Sri. . .
Neutering a cat and dogs. Food for them
DGND Rtn Chandrahas Shetty has given the Orthopedic Surgery Equipme. . .
Provided 125 packets of snacks items to Kores Hospital and other he. . .
Inauguration of IO Robotics lab done by our CSR Partners Spectrum E. . .
Supply of food grains and meals for Aasara children
Good Touch / Bad Touch, menstrual myth talks by Dr. at Government I. . .
We were the Platinum host to the successful concluded Rotal2024 eve. . .
We co-sponsored the Spandan - Second TRF Seminar
We treated 7 stray cats by taking them to the Vet and giving them t. . .
Providing vegetables to inmates of Vidyani Ketan Bal Snehalay at Th. . .
Celebrating Diwali with inmates of Divya Prabha a home for destitut. . .
Supply of food grains to the Mati mand Igatpuri School.
Samvidhan ka Amrit Mohatsav - 2 topics covered on 19th Oct. Good To. . .
Distribution of Food Supply, Raincoats and Saree to the Transgender. . .
Food to the TB patients
We have adopted 10 Marathi medium and 6 English Medium student and. . .
Mangala Gaur event was conducted by Rotary Club of Thane. We were . . .
Shaurya - Vocational Tour with 75 NCC Cadets at Nation War Memorial. . .
Distribution of Schook kits to Katkari Children (school bag, umbre. . .
Flag hoisting and Prize distribution was done in Yashodhan School, . . .
Provided the necessary food grains and celebrated Independence Day . . .
Tree Plantation at Yeoor
CSR- Computer Lab Inauguration at Ashram Shala, Secondary & Higher . . .
President Rtn. Shantaram, Rtn. Joy, Secretary Rtn. Biju had visite. . .
Food grains provided to Divya Prabha on Annapurna Day
Rotary Club of Thane Downtown and Rotaract Club of Thane Downtown c. . .