Rotary Club of Thane Downtown - Rotary India

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Total Services 42
Handing over the STEM project & science exhibiton

S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics education to. . .

Sanitary Pad distribution

Total 150 packets of sanitary pads given to Thane Central Jail thro. . .

Igatpuri School Medicine Supply

Supply of medicine to the Igatpuri School.

Flag Hoisting 26th Jan 2025

Flag hoisting was done in Yashodhan School. President Rtn. Shantara. . .

Drugs Addiction Talk

Drug De-addiction talk by Biju for the student of Yashodhan School


Conducted RYLA for 40 students of Yashodhan School. Nature Walk was. . .

Infrastructure Upgrade Dadar ITI

Infrastructure upgrade at Dadar ITI (Girls) by providing Water Cool. . .

Matoshri Old Age Home Medicines

Providing medicines to old age home.

Sanitary Pad distribution

Total 150 packets of sanitary pads given to Thane Central Jail thro. . .


Annadaan to Vikramshah Student Residential School, Vikramgad

Nation Builder Award

Nation Builder award to the Yashodhan teachers for their exemplary . . .

President Attended even as a Chief Guest

President Rtn Shantaram Shet attended Yashodhan School as the Chief. . .

Computer Lab furniture set-up

Computer Lab Furniture setup at Thane IIT

Thalassemia Awareness Talk & Screening

Thalassemia Awareness Talk and Screening at Anand Dighe ITI

Mobile De-Addiction talk at Yashodhan School

Mobile De-Addiction talk at Yashodhan today by speaker Rtn Amit Sri. . .

Neutering a cat and dogs.

Neutering a cat and dogs. Food for them

Orthopedic Surgery Equipments

DGND Rtn Chandrahas Shetty has given the Orthopedic Surgery Equipme. . .

Polio NID Snacks Packets 8th Dec

Provided 125 packets of snacks items to Kores Hospital and other he. . .

Inuaguration of IO Robotics lab for ITI (Girls)

Inauguration of IO Robotics lab done by our CSR Partners Spectrum E. . .

Food grains supply to Aasara Trust for Annapurna

Supply of food grains and meals for Aasara children

Samvidhan ka Amrit Mohatsav vol.2

Good Touch / Bad Touch, menstrual myth talks by Dr. at Government I. . .

Rotal 2024 - Platinum Co-host for the event.

We were the Platinum host to the successful concluded Rotal2024 eve. . .

Spandan - Second TRF Seminar

We co-sponsored the Spandan - Second TRF Seminar

Matoshri Old Age Home Medicines

Providing medicines to old age home.

Animal Care

We treated 7 stray cats by taking them to the Vet and giving them t. . .

Annapurna Day - 02 Nov 2024

Providing vegetables to inmates of Vidyani Ketan Bal Snehalay at Th. . .

Celebrating Diwali with Divya Prabha

Celebrating Diwali with inmates of Divya Prabha a home for destitut. . .

Mati mand Igatpuri School food supply

Supply of food grains to the Mati mand Igatpuri School.

Samvidhan ka Amrit Mohatsav - 2 topics covered

Samvidhan ka Amrit Mohatsav - 2 topics covered on 19th Oct. Good To. . .

Circle of Love 6.0

Distribution of Food Supply, Raincoats and Saree to the Transgender. . .

Nikshay Mitra

Food to the TB patients

Igatpuri School Medicine Supply

Supply of medicine to the Igatpuri School.

Matoshri Old Age Home Medicines

Providing medicines to old age home.

Yashodhan students adoption project

We have adopted 10 Marathi medium and 6 English Medium student and. . .

Food grains supply to Aasara Trust for Annapurna

Supply of food grains and meals for Aasara children

Mangala Gaur

Mangala Gaur event was conducted by Rotary Club of Thane. We were . . .

Shaurya -Vocational Tour

Shaurya - Vocational Tour with 75 NCC Cadets at Nation War Memorial. . .

Katkari Project

Distribution of Schook kits to Katkari Children (school bag, umbre. . .

Flag Hoisting and Prize Distribution

Flag hoisting and Prize distribution was done in Yashodhan School, . . .

Annapurna & Independence Day with Divya Prabha

Provided the necessary food grains and celebrated Independence Day . . .

Matoshri Old Age Home Medicines

Providing medicines to old age home.

Tree Plantation at Yeoor

Tree Plantation at Yeoor

Inauguration of Computer Lab at Ashram Shala

CSR- Computer Lab Inauguration at Ashram Shala, Secondary & Higher . . .

Food grains supply to Aasara Trust for Annapurna

President Rtn. Shantaram, Rtn. Joy, Secretary Rtn. Biju had visite. . .

Annapurna Day with Divya Prabha

Food grains provided to Divya Prabha on Annapurna Day

Mega Blood Donation Camp - Drop of Hope

Rotary Club of Thane Downtown and Rotaract Club of Thane Downtown c. . .